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Posts will be from articles that have appeard in the Tidbits Paper MONTANA MONTANA FACTS • Montana is the 4th largest state, following Alaska, California, and Texas. However, with only 1,104,000 people, it ranks 43rd in population, and 48th in population density. • About 48% of Montana residents live in rural areas, compared […]
Every continent on Earth is home to a desert. This week, Tidbits travels to these arid ecosystems to bring the facts to our readers. • Although the word “desert” might bring to mind vast expanses of sand, only about 20% of deserts are covered by sand. • Deserts cover one-fifth of the Earth’s land area, […]
PERIDOT: THE GEM • Here’s the recipe for the green gemstone called peridot: Melt a load of silicon until it’s runny. Beat in oxygen at the ratio of four parts oxygen to one part silicon. Fold in a generous serving of iron, and add a touch of magnesium to taste. Let cool. • Eight main […]
George Owen Squier (pronounced “square”) dropped out of school at 14. He went on to revolutionize information technology through a thing called Muzak. GEORGE OWEN SQUIER • Born in 1865 in Michigan, Squier graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1887, earned a Ph.D., then joined the military, rising to become a Major General in […]
Published 10/31/2023 Tidbits invites you to take a whiff of these facts about the perfume industry, a $51 billion annual market world-wide, $12 billion in the U.S. alone. • We get our English word “perfume” from the Latin, “per fume,” which translates “through smoke.” Ancient Roman feasts featured the scent of oil of rose and […]
HIGH ALTITUDES This week, Tidbits is scaling the heights, bringing facts about high altitude. • Millions of humans live at high altitudes around the world. It’s estimated that 14.4 million people live at greater than 11,500 feet, about 0.19% of the world’s population. About 6.4 million live at altitudes greater than 13,125 feet, 0.084% of […]
Published 11/22/2023 You might take your iPhone for granted, or maybe you can’t live without it. But how much do you know about its development and introduction? This week, Tidbits dials up some facts about this revolutionary invention. • Apple started working on its secret project, the iPhone, in 2005 under the code name “Project […]
MACY’S DAY PARADE In 1920, Gimbel’s Department Store in Philadelphia sponsored a Thanksgiving parade that wound around downtown and ended at the door to their store. It was all a gimmick designed to promote their new “Toyland” display. This was the nation’s first Thanksgiving parade, and it’s still held annually in Philadelphia even though the […]
ALEXANDER FLEMING Where would the world be without the extraordinary efforts of Sir Alexander Fleming? This week, Tidbits delves into the life story of the man who discovered penicillin. • Although born to humble Scottish farmers in 1881, Alexander Fleming had high aspirations of becoming a doctor. His academic promise was noted when he was […]